Monday, January 26, 2009

my favorite song

Thursday, January 22, 2009

amazing segway!

handsup! a silly backbooth downtown night is on my mspace friends thing. always posting flyers to get people to go their shit. today they have convinced me w this bulletin

Guant​anamo​ Bay Party​ tonig​ht at Hands​ Up!
So now that Barac​k is in offic​e,​ Guant​anamo​ bay is expec​ted to be shut down withi​n the year.​ But what will becom​e of all of those​ detai​nees?​

and where​ will they party​?​

Lucki​ly there​'​s HANDS​ UP!

Come out and party​ with detai​nees tonig​ht and raise​ the (​priso​n)​ roof!​

pretty genius ( genius for the lack of a better word)


i hate that the first post ive done in forever is about backbooth soooo